Elected branch officers from UNISON branches across the Yorkshire and Humberside region came together in Sheffield over the weekend for the region’s annual branch officer training weekend.
The weekend brings together activists from across the region to learn and develop skills together, as well as to help make new contacts and develop networks.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional convenor Wendy Nichols addresses course attendees at the opening of the weekend.
The following courses were held across the weekend:
- Chairing Meetings
- Branch Secretary
- Branch Education Co-ordinator
- Equalities Officer
- Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator
- Health & Safety Officer
- Communications Officer
- Labour Link Officer
- Branch International Officer
Dozens of activists attended the branch officer training weekend and took part in the courses, which were delivered by regional UNISON staff.
Activists taking part in the Health & Safety Officer course, alongside regional staff.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional secretary Karen Loughlin said: “The branch officer training weekend is a fantastic chance to bring together passionate UNISON activists along with regional staff, and help develop skills to allow them to reach their full potential.
“I’m delighted to see so many activists together in one place, building their networks and developing skills.
“UNISON means working together. That’s exactly what this weekend is about, and it’s fantastic to see so many people involved.”
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional secretary Karen Loughlin and regional manager Leonie Sharp deliver a session.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional convenor Wendy Nichols said: “UNISON is a member-led union, so it’s vital it supports and empowers activists by providing knowledge and training.
“Providing so many training courses for branch officers, new and old, across one weekend is a fantastic way of making the education as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.
“It’s really pleasing to see so many people taking part, and it’s testament to the hard work of everyone involved to make it happen.”
The weekend was opened by regional council officers Dave Syms (left), regional convenor Wendy Nichols (centre), and John Campbell (right).
More photos from the weekend can be found below.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional manager Tony Pearson delivers a session on UNISON Migrant Workers, and defending key workers.
Pete and Rachel, who were taking part in the Communications Officer course, putting their new skills into action.
Attendees taking part in practical exercises to learn and understand the structure of the union.