Conversational Spanish

6 May 2025 6:30pm–7:30pm

Virtual Training via MS Teams (x3 sessions - 6, 13, 20 May at 6.30pm - 7.30pm)

Join in a Spanish conversation class with a twist. It caters for all levels because Spanglish is allowed. If you don’t know a word or a sentence in Spanish just simply use the English. The fun and relaxed environment will get you used to hearing this beautiful language more and allow you to speak at your own pace. ¡Olé!

To register your interest for this course, please email Rose on

Visual Impairment Awareness

3 June 2025 12:30pm–2:00pm

Virtual Training via MS Teams

This session with the RNIB will improve your understanding of different types of visual impairment and how they impact people’s lives. Using visual aids, myth busting, videos and more, it will give you key takeaways around facts and figures as well as practical skills, such as how to guide a blind person.

To register your interest for this course, please email Rose on

Influencing and Personal Impact

4 June 2025 9:30am–12:00pm

Virtual Training via MS Teams

This session will explore the issue of personal impact and the different ways we try to influence others. Clarifying the impact, we have on colleagues and others is fundamental to be able to communicate and influence effectively. During the session you will understand what personal impact is, learn the basics of influence, understanding the key people who we have to influence and touch on communication strategies.

To register your interest for this course, please email Rose on

Autism Awareness

5 June 2025 10:00am–11:00am

Virtual Training via MS Teams

This introductory 1-hour session will help you gain an understanding of autism and look at workplace barriers for those who are autistic.

To register your interest for this course, please email Rose on

Get Active in UNISON

5 June 2025 1:00pm–2:00pm

Virtual Training via MS Teams

Wondered about getting more involved with UNISON but not sure where to start? In this session we will explore the different union roles i.e. steward, H&S rep, learning rep (ULR); how you can support your branch and help with UNISON’s campaigns plus an overview of the training you will receive.

To register your interest for this course, please email Rose on

Workplace Reps Virtual Refresher Training (ERA Re-accreditation)

2 – 10 June 2025

Virtual Training via Microsoft Teams (10:00-12:00 each day)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This virtual training course will be delivered in 4 modules and it is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) re-accreditation for further training of steward and workplace reps.

Branch Charge: £50 per delegate

How to be a Good Trans Ally

13 June 2025 10:00am–12:45pm

Virtual Training via MS Teams

During this short workshop you will: consider the role of a trans ally and why it is needed; explore UNISON’s definition of Transgender; understand what you can do to be a good trans ally and know where to find resources and support.

To register your interest for this virtual workshop please add your details to the form.

Making Equality Central to your Union Practice – Grimsby

23 June 2025

Centre4, 17a Wootton Road, Grimsby, DN33 1HE

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

Local Learning Hubs – This is a new initiative where we are working to bring regional training opportunities closer to you.

Equality is written into our rule book and into our objectives and policies, but making equality part and parcel of everyday business is no small task. Making equality central to your union practice is a course that explores internal and external tools, which can support equality bargaining, negotiating, and representation. The course also looks at how to identify equality themes in organising and recruitment, as well as considering the different equality roles in UNISON and how you can utilise their support.

Branch charge: £30 per delegate

Further Representation Skills – Northallerton (ERA Re-accreditation)

23 – 24 June 2025

UNISON Office, Grounds of 3 Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8QZ

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

Local Learning Hubs – This is a new initiative where we are working to bring regional training opportunities closer to you.

This  2 day course is designed to follow on from the 5 day Organising Stewards course or equivalent and is aimed at existing UNISON stewards. The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5 day course and explores in more detail:

• Process for identifying needs and exploring what is and isn’t a case
• Recap on sources of information especially the ACAS code
• Preparing for a grievance and a capability case
• Planning and building a case including interviewing witnesses
• Possible outcomes from cases.

Branch Charge: £60 per delegate

Further Representation Skills – Grimsby (ERA Re-accreditation)

24 – 25 June 2025

Centre4, 17a Wootton Road, Grimsby, DN33 1HE

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

Local Learning Hubs – This is a new initiative where we are working to bring regional training opportunities closer to you.

This  2 day course is designed to follow on from the 5 day Organising Stewards course or equivalent and is aimed at existing UNISON stewards. The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5 day course and explores in more detail:

• Process for identifying needs and exploring what is and isn’t a case
• Recap on sources of information especially the ACAS code
• Preparing for a grievance and a capability case
• Planning and building a case including interviewing witnesses
• Possible outcomes from cases.

Branch Charge: £60 per delegate