To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend. If you are unsure how to contact your branch, please use our branch finder tool
The course is designed for activists who have some experience of dealing with sickness absence issues and who wish to understand the issues in more depth. It can also be used by those activists with less experience but who are faced with an unfair sickness absence policy and wish to know more.
The course will help participants to:
- identify common problems
- identify ways to improve policies
- be aware of the way stress impacts on sickness levels
- practice attending a sickness monitoring interview
- be aware of equality issues
- put together an action plan for the branch
Sickness Absence Policies affect UNISON members across all sectors that the union represents. The current economic climate, government policies, expenditure cuts, tendering, structural changes, changing patterns of work, skill mix, the increased emphasis on individual performance and management attitudes all contribute to sickness absence levels.
That is why it is important for UNISON activists and members to learn how to tackle the increasing implementation of unfair sickness absence policies in the workplace.
This training will take place at UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Leeds.
Branch Charge: £60 per delegate