The Organising Steward

27 – 31 January 2020

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This course looks at what the roles of the steward are and gives you the skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out these roles, for example recruiting members and involving them in the union and how to work with members to tackle problems at work.

Health and Safety Representatives

2 – 6 March 2020

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This course is essential for new Health and Safety Representatives, or for those Health and Safety Representatives who have more experience but who haven’t yet had the chance to go on this course.

Health and Safety Representatives

What is the job and rights of a Health and Safety Representative?
How do you interview a member? How do you start to prepare a case?
How do you carry out a Health and Safety inspection?

Autism Awareness

5 February 2020 10:00am–4:00pm

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This course is a one day session delivered by an Open University lecturer and is open to UNISON members and activists.

The general content of the day is as follows:

Historical background to autism
Characteristics of autism
Areas of difficulty
Typical behaviours
Some strategies for dealing with people with autism
The course is not intended to be a day about how to manage someone with autism in a setting, but is more of a general introduction with some guidance given.

Building Confidence In Women (Women only)

7 – 8 March 2020

Includes 1 night residential at the Novotel Hotel, Leeds

Building Confidence In Women (Women only)

Confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many
struggle to find it. The good news is that confidence can be learned and built on. In
this fun and practical course, women work in pairs and small informal groups to look
at the things which help them build confidence. We also look at the barriers which can
get in the way of building confidence and develop a strategy for overcoming them.
This course is designed as a starting point for women who have attended little or no
UNISON training before.

The Organising Steward

24 – 28 February 2020

Residential at Northern College, Barnsley

This course looks at what the roles of the steward are and gives you the skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out these roles, for example recruiting members and involving them in the union and how to work with members to tackle problems at work.

The Organising Steward

16 – 20 March 2020

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This course looks at what the roles of the steward are and gives you the skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out these roles, for example recruiting members and involving them in the union and how to work with members to tackle problems at work.

Health and Safety Representatives

27 – 31 January 2020

Residential at Northern College, Barnsley

This course is essential for new Health and Safety Representatives, or for those Health and Safety Representatives who have more experience but who haven’t yet had the chance to go on this course.

Health and Safety Representatives

What is the job and rights of a Health and Safety Representative?
How do you interview a member? How do you start to prepare a case?
How do you carry out a Health and Safety inspection?

Mental Health Awareness

7 February 2020 10:00am–4:00pm

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This course is a one day session delivered by an Open University lecturer and is open to UNISON members and activists.

A one day workshop delivered by the Open University that will help you:

• Understand the main mental health problems that people face

• Gain an insight into the experience of having mental distress

• Explore some strategies for promoting good mental health

• Be able to take a revised awareness to the workplace

Dyslexia in the Workplace

25 February 2020 10:00am–4:00pm

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

This one-day course is aimed anyone with an interest in dyslexia and will cover:
• An introductory understanding of Dyslexia
• Strengths of individuals with Dyslexia
• Workplace barriers for employees with Dyslexia

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

26 February 2020 10:00am–4:00pm

Non-residential at UNISON Regional Centre, Leeds

Neurodiversity is an umbrella term for autism, dyslexia, ADHD and Dyspraxia and on
the day will cover:
• An introductory understanding of Neurodiversity
• Strengths of Neurodiverse individuals
• Workplace barriers for Neurodiverse employees