UNISON Workplace Reps Refresher Training

19 – 27 April 2022

Virtual Training via Microsoft Teams (4 modules)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This virtual training course will be delivered in 4 modules and it is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) re-accreditation for further training of steward and workplace reps.

Branch Charge: £30 per delegate

UNISON Workplace Reps Refresher Training

9 – 17 March 2022

Virtual Training via Microsoft Teams (4 modules)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This virtual training course will be delivered in 4 modules and it is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) re-accreditation for further training of steward and workplace reps.

Branch Charge: £30 per delegate

Introduction to Employment Rights and Contract Law

3 February 2022

Virtual Training (3 x Thursdays, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend. Applications must be received before Monday 17 January 2022.

The course will be delivered via zoom and take place over 3 morning sessions
• Thursday 3 February – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
• Thursday 10 February – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
• Thursday 17 February – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

This course is designed as a general introduction to the law on employment rights and contracts of employment and is aimed at stewards with little experience of employment law and no previous training in employment law beyond what is covered in the general stewards’ induction course: The Organising Steward.

Branch Charge: £30 per delegate

Regional Black Members SOG AGM

11 December 2021

If you are a UNISON member and would like to join the region’s Black Members Self Organised Group, please contact your branch office. If you are unsure how to contact your branch, please use our branch finder tool. Outcome

(Fully Booked) Pre-Retirement Workshop for Local Government Pension Scheme Members

1 October 2021 1:00pm–3:40pm

Virtual Workshop via Microsoft Teams

This workshop is fully booked.

This workshop, run by True Bearing Chartered, will make you aware of your choices and aid you in your decision making around retirement.

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:
• Create your own route path from the world of work to the world of retirement
• Identify changes in both pensions and financial regulations which will affect your retirement decisions
• Identify the long term issues affecting your retirement
• Identify personal and lifestyle actions which will help to improve your retirement
• Start the process of planning for a successful retirement

Regional Black Members SOG Meeting

29 September 2021

If you are a UNISON member and would like to join the region’s Black Members Self Organised Group, please contact your branch office. If you are unsure how to contact your branch, please use our branch finder tool. Outcome

Introduction to Employment Rights and Contract Law

8 July – 5 August 2021

Virtual Training (3 x Thursdays, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend. Applications must be received before Wednesday 23 June 2021.

The course will be delivered via zoom and take place over 3 morning sessions
• Thursday 8 July – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
• Thursday 15 July – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
• Thursday 5 August – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

This course is designed as a general introduction to the law on employment rights and contracts of employment and is aimed at stewards with little experience of employment law and no previous training in employment law beyond what is covered in the general stewards’ induction course: The Organising Steward.

UNISON Workplace Reps Refresher Virtual Training

20 – 28 July 2021

Virtual Training via Teams

To register your interest for this course please add your details to the form below and you will be added to our waiting list.

This virtual training course will be delivered in 4 modules and it is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) re-accreditation for further training of steward and workplace reps.

The course aims to:
• Update reps on new legislation
• Introduce new developments within UNISON
• Share skills and experience to further develop approach as a UNISON rep

Health & Safety Representatives Virtual Training

16 June – 14 July 2021

Virtual Training via Teams (5 x Wednesdays 9.30 am - 4.30 pm)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This course is essential for new Health and Safety Representatives, or for those Health and Safety Representatives who have more experience but who haven’t yet had the chance to go on this course.

• What is the job and rights of a Health and Safety Representative?
• How do you interview a member? How do you start to prepare a case?
• How do you carry out a Health and Safety inspection?

(Fully booked) Hope not Hate: Difficult conversations workshop

13 July 2021 1:30pm–3:00pm

Online Workshop via Zoom

People are becoming increasingly intolerant of inappropriate comments being made in the workplace. However, is there a way we can call people out on these comments without creating arguments?

This session offers effective methods for allowing people to reflect on the problems of their comments without relying on passive-aggressive or “myth-busting” techniques.

We explore practises that seek to understand people’s perspectives, rather than focus on their objectionable conclusions.

We cannot let the place of work be a place of prejudicial or discriminatory language – but we need be constructive in our approach to all everyone to grow.