UNISON has expressed concern over proposals that could see a private hospital built in Leeds on NHS land, the union says today (Wednesday).
The plans from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust would see a private company rent land from the trust to build a private facility.
The union understands this would be a hospital providing care at all levels, including critical care.
The trust insists it needs to do more to make more money. But UNISON says the NHS isn’t a business that works on making money, and is paid for from the public purse.
The union has concerns that the creation of a private hospital in Leeds would worsen the already acute staffing crisis in the NHS locally. There is a shortage of staff in key roles, and a private hospital offering higher salaries would see those staffing shortages increase, says UNISON.
The union believes this move could also act as a step towards a two-tier healthcare system, where those with money benefit from the new facility, while others on lower incomes, who rely on the NHS, will suffer.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional organiser Gary Cleaver said: “The NHS exists to ensure quality healthcare can be provided to whoever needs it. It does not exist to make money.
“These plans are financially-driven, they are not about best meeting the needs of the people of Leeds. The proposals have the potential to leave the poorest people in the city in an even worse position.
“The trust is in a difficult position after years of the health service being starved of government funding, but it must reconsider these proposals.”
UNISON Leeds Teaching Hospitals branch chair John Ingleson said: “When issues around staffing are raised, the trust says its hands are tied due to the national staffing crisis. If that’s the case, this new hospital will be recruiting from the same pool of workers, which will have a negative impact on NHS staffing levels.
“The prospect of a two-tier health service being created, where only those with money get timely treatment, is devastating. This country shouldn’t be going back to pre-war levels of care.
“The finger of blame should be directly pointed at the Conservative government, and its deliberate underfunding of the NHS to create an environment for money men to profit from the public’s sickness.”