Organising Steward Virtual Training

5 – 22 March 2024

Virtual training via Microsoft Teams (2 x Tuesdays, 3 x Fridays, 9.30-16.00 each day)

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This training will run on 5, 8, 12, 15, 22 March 2024 (2 x Tuesdays, 3 x Fridays).

Our virtual steward course delivers the same learning outcomes as the face-to-face Stage 1 + Stage 2 workplace representatives course combination. We have transformed our classroom based course into an virtual course, delivered by an experienced tutor.

Branch Charge: £50 per delegate

Organising Steward Training – Leeds

18 – 22 March 2024

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch.

This face to face training looks at what the roles of the steward are and gives you the skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out these roles, for example recruiting members and involving them in the union and how to work with members to tackle problems at work.

This course will run on 18, 18, 20, 21, 22 March 2024.

This course is 30 hours learning in total.

Branch Charge: £150 per delegate

Black Women’s Event – Putting Yourself First [to be rescheduled]

16 March 2024 10:00am–4:00pm

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

Join us for a day dedicated to Black Women’s Self Care – Putting Yourself First. This in-person session is aimed at Black women. We will be joined by Calm & Centred for part of the day.

To book your place you will need to contact your branch for approval to attend. If you are unsure how to contact your branch, please use our branch finder tool –

Lay Tutor Training

11 – 13 March 2024

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This introductory course on tutoring methods is aimed primarily at branch activists who want to use education methods to run organising-focused branch-based training for members. 

Activists will need to complete both this course and the UNISON ‘Equalities for Tutors’ course to become UNISON lay tutors.

This face-to-face training will take place at UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House. This is a non-residential course. 

Branch Charge: £90 per delegate

Making Equality Central to your Union Practice

6 March 2024 9:30am–4:00pm

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

Equality is written into our rule book and into our objectives and policies, but making equality part and parcel of everyday business is no small task. Making equality central to your union practice is a course that explores internal and external tools, which can support equality bargaining, negotiating, and representation. The course also looks at how to identify equality themes in organising and recruitment, as well as considering the different equality roles in UNISON and how you can utilise their support.

Branch charge: £30 per delegate

Further Representation Skills

4 – 5 March 2024

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This  2 day course is designed to follow on from the 5 day Organising Stewards course or equivalent and is aimed at existing UNISON stewards. The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the 5 day course and explores in more detail:

• Process for identifying needs and exploring what is and isn’t a case
• Recap on sources of information especially the ACAS code
• Preparing for a grievance and a capability case
• Planning and building a case including interviewing witnesses
• Possible outcomes from cases.

Branch Charge: £60 per delegate

Health & Safety Representative Training

26 February – 1 March 2024

UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch.

This course is essential for new Health and Safety Representatives, or for those Health and Safety Representatives who have more experience but who haven’t yet had the chance to go on this course.

This course will take place on 26, 27, 28, 29 February, 1 March 2024.

Branch Charge: £150 per delegate

Workplace Reps Refresher Training (ERA Re-accreditation)

22 – 23 February 2024

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5SP

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend. 

This training course will be delivered in over two days, face to face at Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Centre in Leeds. It is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) re-accreditation for further training of steward and workplace reps.

Branch Charge: £60 per delegate

Writing a Motion and UNISON Structures

20 February 2024 10:00am–4:00pm

UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Centre, Leeds

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This workshop is aimed at activists who are considering submitting motions to National Delegate Conference, service group conferences or self-organised group conferences.

Branch Charge: £30 per delegate

Bargaining & Campaigning for Insourcing

19 February 2024 10:00am–4:30pm

UNISON Regional Centre, Quayside House, Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS

To register your interest for this course please contact your branch. You will need approval from your branch to attend.

This course is open to all branch officers and reps.

Years of outsourcing of public services have led to substantial deterioration in services and in the terms and conditions of members. Now some public organisations are open to the idea of bringing services back in house.

This course aims to persuade employers, members, and the public of the benefits of insourcing and will cover the following areas:

• Winning the arguments
• Identifying key targets
• Identifying allies
• Agitating for change and building a campaign
• Creating an action time-line

Branch Charge: £30 per delegate for the face-to-face training