Throughout November, we’re hearing from different young members across Yorkshire and Humberside about what being part of UNISON means to them. First up is Rhian…
Who are you?
My name’s Rhian Hawthorn, I’m a full time caseworker based across two NHS trusts in the Yorkshire region.
What do you do for a job?
I’m a full time caseworker for the UNISON Northern Health and Community Branch, working across Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. I’m also the branch’s young members officer and staff side representative in my workplace.
How did you find out about UNISON?
I come from a family of proud trade unionists, and so have always been aware of the impact unions have on workers’ rights. My grandfather was a regional officer for GMB for all his life, and my mother works in a school, and she’s been part of UNISON for 30 years! So I think it’s safe to say that it’s in my blood.
What made you decide to join UNISON as a young member?
I joined because I believe in the work that UNISON does! My values line up with those of UNISON and I wanted to be able to be part of that. All of the added benefits available to members helped, too! These include training opportunities, legal support, conference – and some amazing discounts as well.
Why should other young people join UNISON?
To secure their futures! It’s really important that we recruit more young members into UNISON so we keep numbers up, counteracting members who leave when they retire – even though they can stay on as a retired member! I feel that most people under 30 aren’t aware of the impact that UNISON will have had on their lives. Enjoy your weekends? Equal pay? Maternity rights? Well the union did that, and without them our work and personal lives would look very different. If more young people join UNISON, we’ll be even stronger in the fight for workers’ rights!