We’re hearing from different young members across Yorkshire and Humberside throughout November, finding out what being part of UNISON means to them. It’s Helena today… Who are you? My name’s Helena Fletcher, I work in the Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Trust team, and I’m the young members officer for the UNISON Sheffield Community […]
yh young members

Throughout November, we’re hearing from different young members across Yorkshire and Humberside about what being part of UNISON means to them. Today, it’s the turn of Greg… Who are you? I’m Greg Mott, full time biology student, part time database admin at York Hospital, young members officer for UNISON North Yorkshire Health branch, president of […]

Throughout November, we’re hearing from different young members across Yorkshire and Humberside about what being part of UNISON means to them. First up is Rhian… Who are you? My name’s Rhian Hawthorn, I’m a full time caseworker based across two NHS trusts in the Yorkshire region. What do you do for a job? I’m a […]