A West Yorkshire organisation made up of elected councillors from different councils across the region has signed UNISON’s anti-racism charter, the union says today (Friday).
West Yorkshire Combined Authority signed the charter earlier this week, becoming the first combined authority to do so.
The charter is a commitment by an employer to introduce a number of changes over the upcoming 12 months – including introducing a clear race equality policy, and providing staff with anti-racism training.
The signing of the charter is particularly significant as it comes during UNISON’s Year of Black Workers, says the union.
UNISON West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Transport branch secretary Pam Sian said: “This is fantastic news.
“UNISON is proactively trying to get as many employers to sign the anti-racism charter as possible, so having a combined authority with councillors from across West Yorkshire is a significant step.
“Hopefully this will result in councils across West Yorkshire following suit.”
Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin said: “We are creating a region where everyone can thrive no matter their race or religion.
“There is a long way to go to tackle racism and discrimination in society, but this is a vital step in rooting out racism wherever it’s found.
“Diversity is our biggest strength in West Yorkshire and together, with partners like UNISON, we can create a stronger, brighter region that works for all.”
West Yorkshire’s Inclusivity Champion Fatima Khan-Shah said: “As a proud British Asian Muslim woman, I know that your experience is your superpower.
“By listening to people from marginalised groups we’re modelling the work we know needs to be done to support diverse communities in our region.
“I am passionate about tackling racism and discrimination – this charter is a loud and clear message which says, ‘there’s no place for racism in West Yorkshire’.”
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